The Warrant Report: Great Articles For Your Immediate Attention

By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor

Hello Investors,

As gold, silver, and shares continue in consolidation mode, we must patiently wait.

I continue to warn my subscribers of a possible meltdown in the financial markets, while we ‘hope not’, it is wise to be prepared with some cash on the sidelines.

The opportunities seem to be coming at us every day and in many sectors, from PMs to EVs to biotechnologies, pharmaceuticals, etc. Our databases on the stock warrants grows by the day.


We will be launching a new service soon under Common Stock Warrants. This new service will focus on the warrants trading on the SPAC’s, Special Purpose Acquisition Companies. We will be presenting a list/basket which we believe will be the next big winners. Follow us on Twitter,

We will be doing some live interviews for subscribers as we walk you through our index and discuss the companies and the opportunities that we see.

As I mentioned last week we have added a new database for SPAC’s (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies) (*blank check” companies) giving you more information to make your investment decisions, i.e., Amount of IPO, Number of months since the IPO, an indication as to merger or no merger announcements, links to pending mergers, etc.

In addition to the 150 plus SPAC’s in our database, there are 70 more SPAC’s which have had their IPO but for which the units have not separated. This means there will be another 70 plus companies that will be added to our databases as these stock warrants start to trade.

There are so many interesting opportunities for trading stock warrants and the list grows by the day……

If you are not one of many valued subscribers this would be a great time to GET STARTED.

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